ACTIVE PLUS is a complex nutrient based on the synergistic combination of activated cell walls, inactive yeast and offshoot vegetal polysaccharide with branched structure. In particular, it enhanced the adsorbent action of decanoic and dodecanoic fatty acids, and of all other compounds derived from “stress” of yeast fermentation, which often lead to the formation of acetaledeide, pyruvic acid and sulfur compounds undesirable
ACTIVE PLUS contains B vitamins and amino acids (vegetable protein) autochthonous derivated, which present the best charge colloidal compared to those of synthesis and are irreplaceable as nutritional support of the yeast. The content of ammonium salts (DAP) gives available nitrogen (APA), essential for the proper performance of the fermentation and to prevent the undesired formation of sulfides.
Bags of 1 kg or 20 kg.
Store the product in a cool and dry place.
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