
Lafood Wine is a branch of the Lafood Group S.r.l. a socio unico, a leading company in the biotechnology sector in the beverage world. Continuous research, Quality and Development are the three key points of our group.
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Via della Meccanica, 15 Fasano BR ITALY
+39 080 439 1346

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Lafood Wine - Nutrienti

iYeast® Wall


iYeast® WALL is composed by 100% of walls’ Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, non GMO. Its powder structure, characterized by a neutral taste obtained thanks to thè spray – dry technique, it is full of mannans and glucans with a high capacity of adsorption.

-Permits thè absorption of Principal inhibitors of thè alcoholic and malolactic fermentations;

-Thanks to thè high content of sterols and unsaturated fatty acids, stimulates thè alcoholic fermentation increasing thè selected yeast’s vitality. In addition, it stimulates thè malolactic fermentation fixing thè inhibitors;

-Thanks to thè polysaccharide’s standard, it improves thè stabilization capacity of thè color and increases thè wine’s softness.


Multi – layer paper of 25 kg.


Store in a cool, dry place, free from polluted agents. Storage far away from Chemicals products and strong smells is recommended. It is recommended to use iYeast® WALL immediately after opening thè packaging

Product sheet

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