
Lafood Wine is a branch of the Lafood Group S.r.l. a socio unico, a leading company in the biotechnology sector in the beverage world. Continuous research, Quality and Development are the three key points of our group.
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Via della Meccanica, 15 Fasano BR ITALY
+39 080 439 1346

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Lafood Wine - Nutrienti

ActiveManno Red


ACTIVEMANNO RED is complex nutrient derived from a specific strain of yeast rich on parietal polysaccharides, functional on end‐stage fermentation. ACTIVEMANNO RED provides a supply of amino acids that can be used progressively during the fermentation, optimizing the metabolism of the yeast. The presence of growth factors ensures correct start of fermentation, in addition, the presence of a significant concentration of ergosterol, acts as an important precursor for the aroma, ensuring full and complete expression of the potential of the yeast and the aromaticity of the grape variety of origin.


Bags of 1 Kg or 2O Kg.


Store the product in a cool and dry place.

Technical product sheet

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