
Lafood Wine is a branch of the Lafood Group S.r.l. a socio unico, a leading company in the biotechnology sector in the beverage world. Continuous research, Quality and Development are the three key points of our group.
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Via della Meccanica, 15 Fasano BR ITALY
+39 080 439 1346

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iYeast® Rouge


Selected active dry yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. bayanus. No GMOs.
Yeast selected for the elaboration of high quality red wines, characterized by a fresh and fruity aroma. Its varietal aromatic expression contributes to
the exaltation of the delicate notes reminiscent of red berries, in particular shades of black currant and blackberries. Its important ability to produce
glycerol allows the winemaker to obtain “high quality” wines, characterized by exceptional softness, roundness and consistency.



Vacuum packs of 0.500 and 10 Kg.-


Keep in a cool and dry place.

Technical Product Sheet

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